Dimetri Martin
Unfortunatley I missed him at the Melbourne comedy festival. He's very funny though, check him out here.
Unfortunatley I missed him at the Melbourne comedy festival. He's very funny though, check him out here.
Well I thought I would write a very brief history of what's been happening recently. Last week I finally got my car out of customs after being forced to jump through various Australian bureaucratic agencies wanting money. Went to take it for a Roadworthy test today and it got declined on various things pretty anal; in particular I need a new windscreen as it's too dirty, new windscreen wipers, turbo timer must be removed, I need to get the exhaust sound tested... the list goes on. Also today the rest of our New Zealand stuff was delivered so we can finally sleep in a proper bed and not our fold-out couch.
Host: How do you respond to reports of minorities feeling threatened from rising Australian nationalism?
If you haven't seen it, here is Alanis Morisette's "My Humps" video
Today at work we had birthday cake for morning tea. We stopped to break for Donut Monday meeting, which took until lunch. Today I decided to go for the larger jam and sugar donut, over the regular pink iced donut. After lunch we had some more cake for someone else's birthday. Sweet.
This blog thing requires persistance, something you may guess I don't often have. Anyways, I have found myself a good job and am really enjoying it so far. On Mondays we have donut day, where we get a selection of all sorts of donuts for morning tea. I'm sure this is motivation enough for some people to get over Monday-itis.
Hey, well yes in Melbourne now. It's hot and I have a stunning watch mark from the sun already (Haha Craig). We've been doing a lot of wandering around looking for places to live and it gets sticky but it's only been 28 degrees and we expect 38 on Saturday, so start planning the funeral now. We found a bloody brilliant apartment building in the weekend but got shot down as there were too many others wanting it too - I think we need to get used to that as occupancy rates are at 99% and it's making news headlines.
It's half past eleven on a Thursday night and I'm writing this post partly because I'm finding it tough to get any time free ( what with moving and all) and partly because I'm forced to stay up until Annabel's cake matures for her last day morning tea shout tomorrow.
On Monday next week I'm quitting my job. That's not a small event in itself - I've been there 3 years and first 'real' job out of uni.
Got any ideas? I'm convinced the internet is the way of the future for potential millionaires. Like the milliondollarhomepage where some young kid charges rent space on his webpage. All you need is an idea. It doesn't even have to be original (a.k.a TradeMe), but it helps.
I feel as if I've finally accomplished something. After bloody rambling on about all the things I have to do before we leave for Melbourne I have managed to do 1 thing. I've got rid of the fridge yay. Now everything else will be easy right?
So I was trying to think of names for a blog; so initially I thought of retro things I used to like such as Transformers, Voltron or Batman may bring an idea into my head.